Sunday, April 21, 2013

Is Bodybuilding A Lifestyle?

Many friends and family members asked me 

How can an Computer Science Engineer or in another word Computer Geek and family man can be a pro bodybuilder
and i always have a simple answer give yourself some time and read my point of view:

To be successful

you need to incorporate bodybuilding into your life. Depending on what you want to achieve, you would need to make more sacrifices. Regardless, bodybuilding is a sport and a way of living. Bodybuilding can shape how and what we eat and how we choose to live our lives. It can provide us with deep meaning and structure. Everyone can benefit from lifting as part of a healthy approach to life, both for the body and the mind.
Probably the most important factor in determining your future success and happiness is whether or not you have a strong support network. While bodybuilding is an individual sport, no great champion has ever stood atop the stage without a strong network of friends, family and loved one. If they don't understand what you do and why you do, things will be more difficult. 

For me, bodybuilding is not about being the biggest or strongest guy around

For me, bodybuilding is a process. Life is ultimately an education and as we live life, we learn things about ourselves and the world around us. Bodybuilding is like this, a process of learning and growing. We use tools like diet and training to sculpt a physique. By using and refining those tools, we learn discipline and dedication. The truth is, we all have different goals. No one goal is better than the next. What gives meaning to our goals is the work we put into striving to reach them and what we've learned after achieving them. :)

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